Peugeot 301

  • Roadster
  • Utility


At the beginning of the 1930s, in the midst of the economic crisis, Peugeot responded to the demands of demanding customers by presenting the Peugeot 301 in saloon, limousine, coupé, cabriolet and roadster versions, as well as a utility version.

Presented in July 1932, the 301 was the first model to be equipped with independent wheel front suspension.

In the double axle system, the wheels move parallel to each other on their own axle and do not exert any steering force. The car does not tend to deviate from its course and the steering wheel no longer vibrates.

Peugeot became a leader in the automotive industry thanks to the excellence of its designs and manufacturing methods at the Grand Sochaux site.

Year of production
  • 1932-1936
Number of copies
  • 70 497

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