Live L'Aventure Citroën

The epic of the chevron brand since 1919

“On this day January 11, 1919 France witnessed the birth of a new car brand: “André Citroën”. This is the headline of the announcement of creation of Citroën that was published in French national newspapers. Like Henry Ford, like Enzo Ferrari, André Citroën during his lifetime layed the foundation for an industrial adventure so powerful that it survives and still grows to this day.”

Le Grand livre Citroën du Centenaire, Tome 1 (2019-2020)
Les Editions de Terre Blanche

Models that have marked history

The Citroën & DS Conservatoire

More than a hundred Clubs from all over the world are affiliated with L’Aventure

Benefit from the advantages of L'Aventure

  • Get discounts on your purchases and spare parts
  • Free access to L’Aventure Peugeot Museum and the Citroën & DS Conservatoire all year round
  • A rich calendar of events to live and share your passion !
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