Marcel Pagnol owned a magnificent Peugeot 601 Eclipse

Marcel Pagnol owned a magnificent Peugeot 601 Eclipse

Marcel Pagnol is a French writer, playwright, filmmaker and producer, born in 1895 in Aubagne and died in Paris in 1974. He received a classical and republican education tinged with anticlericalism. In 1916, he entered teaching. He was appointed coach in Paris in 1922. During his free time, he wrote plays in verse, ancient dramas. In 1926, his new piece “JAZZ” was acclaimed by the public, his career was launched. Then came three of the greatest successes of French theater “Topaze” in 1928, “Marius” in 1929, “Fanny” in 1931. That year, “Marius” was brought to the screen. The success is phenomenal, and talkies are booming. Marcel Pagnol then decides to create his production company. He devoted himself to this new means of expression until 1954, producing and directing more than twenty films including “Le Schpountz” released in 1938. It is in this film that we can see the Peugeot 601 Eclipse.

This is one of the very first convertibles with an electric hard-top, patent filed at the time by Peugeot. Unique body made for Marcel Pagnol by the famous coachbuilder Marcel Pourtout. Today, you can contribute to its restoration by making a donation to the Marcel Pagnol Endowment Fund, specifying that it is for the restoration of the Peugeot.(source :

To donate to this restoration:

See also the complete Cars.Com article on the history of this car, with the contribution of a member of the Adventure

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