The 2CV Theatre

The 2CV Theatre

Created in 1977 under the artistic direction of Jacques Livchine and Hervée de Lafond, “la 2 CV théâtre” was the most performed play by the Théâtre de l’Unité until 1997. The transformation of the car is the work of the decorator Claude Acquart. A 2CV transformed into a street theatre, it is the smallest and most intimate theatre in the world. From 1977 to 1997, it travelled to more than twenty countries and three continents, giving nearly 1000 performances.

The three knocks were struck for the first time in May 1977 at Beaubourg, the play “L’Odyssée des mulots du lac” was performed by the Théâtre de l’Unité troupe.

The small Citroën accommodated two spectators per session and the actor in the back in the boot.

Given the limited space, the troupe had to give several performances, each lasting an average of eight minutes. Two 2CVs have been serving the Théâtre de l’Unité, which has been established in the Pays de Montbéliard for some fifteen years. It joined the Citroën Conservatory in 2007 for a new production.

Jacques Livchine, one of the creators, tells us a little more about the history of this adventure:

“My father was a small subcontractor of Citroën in Issy-Les-Moulineaux, his company was called Dep/Clapets Rappoport, he made the wheel nuts for the 2CV. His company went bankrupt in 1975, and I wrote a play about this bankruptcy. This play, “Dernier Bal”, did not attract many people, so we decided to do a street parade to attract people, precisely around a 2CV. At first we opened the roof to make puppets, then we tried to turn it upside down, then we had this idea of the smallest theatre in the world, a popular theatre for two people. Self-mockery of our sad condition as popular artists. I dismantled the three nuts of the steering wheel with a 14 mm spanner, we turned the front seat over, we did away with the back seat for our little theatre and outside we played the pomp and circumstance of the bourgeois theatre: usherette, fireman on duty, Republican guard. We played “la 2CV théâtre” for 20 years from 1977 to 1997. His biggest trips: Korea in 1987 and Texas in 1989. Not forgetting Europe! We played in Italian villages, in Denmark on the port of Copenhagen, in Amsterdam… etc. It was a great object of curiosity for the customs officers of East Germany and Poland.

We had hundreds of articles, and even a photo in Paris Match. It has become an emblematic show of street theatre of which we have become historical figures thanks to this 2CV.

TV reports on this atypical play:

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